End of School Year Info

The South Creek Exchange Information

Everyone will stay in their cars during the exchange.

You can walk or ride bikes to school as well.

Observe CDC guidelines- 6 ft of distance & face coverings.




Tuesday, May 19th

6th Graders

Wednesday, May 20th

7th Graders

Thursday, May 21st

“Drive Thru Ceremony”

8th Graders

Friday, May 22nd

All Grades Unable to Attend on Assigned Day


Location: SCMS Car Loop from 10 am-2 pm

Students Need to Return the Following:

Students Need to Pick up the Following:

- Any OCPS Textbooks
- Any OCPS Library Books
- SCMS Sports Uniforms
- SCMS Band or Chorus Items

- PE Locker Room Items
- Yearbooks (Currently Sold Out)
- End of Year Awards

Computer Information:

- ALL SCMS students 6th-8th grade will be keeping their OCPS devices over the summer

- Limited tech tech support will be available over the summer please email: David Nelson. If a student is withdrawing from OCPS, please make an appointment with the school to return the OCPS device and complete the withdrawal process

Summer Reading Information:

- Current 6th & 7th Graders Summer Reading Information for South Creek MS: https://tinyurl.com/SCMSReading20

- Current 8th Graders Summer Reading Information from Cypress Creek HS: https://tinyurl.com/Bears2024Flyer

South Creek Exchange Information in Spanish

South Creek Exchange Information in English

SCMS Summer Reading Flyer 2020-2021

Boys and Girls Club Virtual Summer Zone Flyer

8th Grade Virtual Award Ceremony Information

- A virtual award ceremony will be pre-recorded
- A link will be posted on the South Creek Canvas for students and parents to view once complete